This page is freely provided for the educational purpose (i.e. personal use) of helping to teach students how to read better. It is intended to help parents and other educators easily find these song words in child-friendly font so that even young children can enjoy learning to read.
Please note, that many, but not all, of these songs are considered public domain. Some are instead familiar-enough and/or already easily seen elsewhere online for free too, for the purpose of common education. Any copyrights belong to and remain with each respective owners. (Every effort has been made to acknowledge the original author of these texts on the downloadable pages. For any corrections for credits/acknowledgements, please contact us.) We are posting these song lyrics or links for non-commercial, educational purposes only.
What we did here was…
- Increased the font size to a standard easy-to-read font and formatted things so that lyrics are presented better as an early reading experience.
- Provided a selection of songs which fit well with the themes that Let Me Read: Step 2 uses to teach literacy (e.g. farm theme, bedtime theme, fruit theme). We did NOT provide lyrics for these songs within the curriculum e-book itself. We only listed song titles in that resource. Thus, this webpage provides a convenient way for any educator to find the lyrics in a ready-to-use format.
Why these songs?
The songs listed below were chosen because of at least one of the following reasons:
- They might have familiar and/or easy tunes.
- They might contain repetitious words to help with literacy skills.
- They generally contain words which are common to lower reading levels
- They match one or more themes taught in our Let Me Read: Step 2 reading curriculum and thus can be supplemental to it (e.g, See the theme-based chart within that curriculum to do this easily).
How to Use:
The list below is arranged alphabetically (not thematically). Clicking the link will either take you to a video of the song or large-print words in pdf format which can be printed and used by children to follow along in reading/singing. Thank you to Petunia (webname for a daughter) for working on this project! 🙂
Early Reading Tip: Use a plain “bookmark” placed under each line of words as they are read/sung.
All Things Bright and Beautiful All Things Bright
Alphabet Song (The) The Alphabet Song Trad.
Alphabet Song (The) (Christian version) The Alphabet Song
Ants Go Marching In (The) The Ants Go Marching
Away in a Manger Away in a Manger
Bear Went Over the Mountain (The) The Bear Went Over
Did You Ever Talk to God Above? Did You Ever
Don’t Be a Quitter Don’t be a Quitter
Down By the Bay (variation) Down by the Bay
Farmer in the Dell (The) The Farmer in the Dell
Father, We Thank Thee Father We Thank Thee
Five Little Speckled Frogs Five Speckled Frogs
From the Rising of the Sun From the Rising
Go, Tell Aunt Rhody Go Tell Aunt Rhody
Go, Tell It On the Mountain Go Tell It
God is So Good God is so Good
God Sees the Little Sparrow Fall God Sees the Little Sparrow
God’s Not Dead, He is Alive God’s Not Dead He’s Alive
Going on a Bear (or Lion) Hunt Going on a Hunt
Grandpa’s Whiskers (I Have a Dear Old Grandpa) Grandpa’s Whiskers
Green Grass Grew All Around (bird nest) Green Grass Grew
Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday
Here We Go ‘Round the Mulberry Bush (garden variation) Here We Go Round
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands He’s Got the Whole World
Home on the Range (chorus) Home on the Range
How Much is That Doggie in the Window? How Much is That Doggie
I Have a Rooster My Rooster Loves Me (zoo version) I Have a Rooster
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus I Have Decided
I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas I Like to Eat
I Will Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving in My Heart I Will Enter
I Will Make You Fishers of Men I Will Make You Fishers
I Wonder How It Felt I Wonder How
I’m a Little Teapot I’m a Little Teapot
I’ve Been Working on the Railroad I’ve Been Working
I’ve Got the Joy…Down in My Heart I’ve Got the Joy
If I Were a Butterfly If I were a butterfly – YouTube
If You’re Happy and You Know It If You’re Happy
Itsy, Bitsy Spider Went up the Water Sprout Itsy, Bitsy Spider
Jesus Loves Me Jesus Loves Me
Jingle Bells Jingle Bells
Land of the Silver Birch Land of the Silver Birch
Let the Sunshine In (chorus) Let the Sunshine In
Little Black Sheep (The) The Little Black Sheep
Littlest Worm I Ever Saw Got Stuck (The) The Littlest Worm
Maple Leaf Forever (The) Maple Leaf Forever
Mr. Thumb, Mr. Thumb, Where Are You? Mr. Thumb
My God is So Big, So Strong, and So Mighty My God is so Big
Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord Noah Found Grace
Oats, Peas, Beans, and Barley Grow Oats Peas Beans Barley
O Canada O Canada
O Come Let Us Adore Him (chorus) O Come Let Us Adore Him
O How I Love Jesus O How I Love Jesus
Old MacDonald Had a Farm E-I-E-I-O Old MacDonald
On Top of Spaghetti All Covered with Cheese On Top of Spaghetti
One Bottle of Pop (Fish and Chips and Vinegar) One Bottle of Pop
Other Day I Met a Bear (The) The Other Day
Pass It On Pass It On
Pease Porridge Hot (group poem) Pease Porridge
Poor Little Bug on the Wall Poor Little Bug
Praise Him, Praise Him, All Ye Little Children Praise Him
Rise and Shine Rise and Shine
Row, Row, Row, Your Boat Row Row Row
She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain She’ll Be Coming
Show a Little Bit of Love and Kindness Show a Little Bit
Step by Step Step by Step
That’s What I Learned at De Camp (The Ticker-Boxer) Ticker-Boxer
There’s a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea There’s a Hole
There’s a Hole in my Bucket Dear Liza Hole in my Bucket
This is My Father’s World This is My Father’s World
This is the Day This is the Day
This Land is Your Land (Canadian chorus) This Land is Your Land
This Little Light of Mine This Little Light
Thou Art a Wonderful God Thou Art a Wonderful God
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Twinkle Twinkle
Walking with Jesus Walking With Jesus
We Wish You a Merry Christmas We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Wise Man Built His House Upon a Rock (The) The Wise and Foolish Man
What a Mighty God We Serve! What a Mighty God
What a Wonderful Saviour is Jesus (Sing Hosanna tune) What a Wonderful Saviour
Whiter Than Snow (chorus) Whiter Than Snow
You are My Sunshine You are My Sunshine
You’re Present at Our Table, Lord (Doxology) You’re Present at Our Table
Zacchaeus Was a Wee Little Man Zacchaeus Was a Wee Little Man