- Online orders for physical products can be shipped within Canada and the USA.
- Nothing is shipped until full payment is received by us.
- Downloadable products have no shipping rate (of course!) and are offered worldwide. Please remember to SAVE your downloadable purchase to your own device!
Shipping Rates (for Canada):
Physical Products
For example, readers, book bundles, artwork, and other stuff…
10% shipping will be added to your total cost of physical products and be a minimum shipping cost of $22.00. We ship our parcels from Nova Scotia. The minimum shipping cost reflects what it generally costs to mail a typical small package of books from Canada Post.
If you’ve arranged to pick up your order, shipping costs will be refunded.
If the shipping charge on the invoice is significantly more than actual cost of sending your parcel, we will offer you a refund for the basic difference.
If you have a remote shipping address (as determined by Canada Post), additional charges up to the actual shipping cost will be invoiced separately to you and need to be paid before we ship your product.
Shipping costs are automatically calculated for online orders to Canadian addresses.
Shipping Time: After completing an order, almost all customers have received their parcels between 2 to 6 weeks.
Shipping to the USA (or International)
(If you are outside of Canada, you remain responsible for any required taxes/import/duty/delivery fees which may be associated with your purchase.)
Any shipping charges outside of Canada will reflect actual shipping costs.
These actual shipping charges will be invoiced separately (because we have to literally take the parcel into a Canada Post Office to figure out those shipping options).
Please be aware that shipping from Canada to the United States is often more expensive compared to shipping costs within the United States. For example, sending a CD across the border with a tracking number has, in the past, cost a customer almost $20 (and would have been about $10 for no tracking number)! We don’t have the same type of “media mail category” special rates that you have within USA for shipping a single book inexpensively. Our postal rates are literally based on the size and weight of the total package and length of destination.
We’ll be happy to ship to you but the shipping costs may be higher than you might expect.
For this reason, we suggest that you consider shopping through our affiliate link to Christian Book Distributors (or our other affiliates which are also American) and for our exclusive “Peppermint Stick Learning Co.” resources, to purchase the downloadable, printable versions, in order to keep your shipping costs minimal.
International Orders
International customers outside of Canada and the USA are welcome to inquire about purchasing physical products from us too, but they will need to contact us directly regarding the items they are interested in, along with their address, and we will consider it and let them know our decision.
Again, as noted above, please consider purchasing the downloadable, printable versions and/or shopping through our affiliates.
Ordering Information
Taxes: Items on our website are now “tax-free” for Canadians!
Out of Stock Items: If you see that an item is “out of stock”, you can still try ordering it. If the website doesn’t allow you to order an “out of stock” item, you’re welcome to e-mail us with your request and we will do our best to see what we can do. We cannot guarantee that the price is identical (e.g. if prices have gone up on the item from our suppliers) but they usually are within reason.
New Items: Uploading new e-books to our website is an ongoing process. We work on finishing titles when we have the time to do so. Please bookmark our website and check it from time to time or follow our Facebook page. You may also be interested in signing up for Joy’s newsletter!
Payment can be made through Paypal or by e-transfer. If you want to order by directly contacting us (e.g. snail mail), you are welcome to send a cheque or money order. (Cash is fine in-person but please don’t send it in the mail.) Full payment must be paid BEFORE we ship your order.
All prices are listed in Canadian currency.
Returns: Please read our Terms and Conditions page for details. We accept pre-authorized returns on most resaleable physical products. Due to the nature of the product, e-books are not refundable. Please note that each “bundle” of physical books is considered as one (1) item sold so if you would like a refund for a bundle, then all of the titles in that bundle need to be returned to us since we don’t offer partial refunds.
“Bundles”: We currently offer some bundles in our shop for those of you who would like this kind of guidance. We also have a page here with some titles listed as a “grade/level”.
- Remember that our curriculum does NOT need certain titles of literature to complete the lessons – they are only related suggestions of books that supplement the lesson material very well. Our PSLC curriculum is “literature-independent”. Please also look at our “LISTS” pages (see menu bar) for more literature suggestions.
- “Grade bundles” are back in style! But we want you to know that we want YOU to choose what fits better with your student(s) for a “grade level”! It is totally within normal for a student to be at one grade for math and another grade for reading and you do not have to just choose “one” grade. Look at the topics/skills which each curriculum title provides to help you figure out what is appropriate. We encourage you to “build-your-own” bundle! (See this page for details and guidance.)
Printable Books (pdf e-book format):
Almost all of our PSLC-published curriculum titles are now offered in this manner!
End-User License Agreement
All of our e-books come with an end-user license agreement (click here for details) which means you cannot resell an e-book or give it away or share it with other teachers/parents in any format.
Economical and Choices!
Our e-books are often set for black ink with very minimal colour ink, which means it is more economical for you (and healthier for the amount of ink off-gassing in your air) compared to some other kinds of printables offered by competitors.
(Want more colour in your homeschool or classroom? Add real-life items to your lesson plan and use your natural environment and/or colourful pictures from storybooks, old calendars, or magazines!)
Also, some of our e-books are designed in such a way that you’d only print the main pages once, to teach several students! (This idea works well in a large family like mine, whether I’m doing a unit with multi-grades together or repeating a curriculum title for the next child – I don’t always have to print everything for each student!)
Our e-books all use the common 8 1/2 x 11″ paper size unless otherwise mentioned in the description. You can print on inexpensive plain white paper or choose to print on off-white or other colours (e.g. pastel) or even on cardstock – again, it’s YOUR choice!
Stable Internet Connections to Download
Please note that if you want to purchase and download our e-books, most of these titles are “core curriculum” and relatively large files. Some of the files are fairly sizable due to the graphics within them.
You should have a stable internet connection to download an e-book as it can take a while, depending on your connectivity. A wired internet is often better than a wireless one for this task. Most customers have downloaded their purchases easily. But a few have had difficulty if trying to do this via their phone.
Also, like some other businesses, we do NOT offer “long-time access” to the files.
So please remember to SAVE your downloaded purchase on YOUR device SOON after you receive your download links! Access to these files will expire. While of course, we can check and reset it manually when we see a message about an issue, it’s quicker for you if you remember to save your purchases when you buy them. (I know when I’m shopping from a place that gives a link that expires, sometimes I have forgotten too – we’re human!)
If we can help you in answering your questions about our printable curriculum, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!
For other shop-related information, please click here for our “Terms and Conditions”.
Have fun shopping! 🙂
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