This is an older resource of ours.
Loose-leaf, quality white paper printed on one side of a page to enable scrapbooking into a binder with your own photos as you try some of the ideas.
Note: This isn’t a book to “teach” cooking but rather a recipes and tips to supplement a course where the parent/teacher is showing a student “how to” by experience. For example, our book doesn’t tell you to cream the fats and sugars together in dough-making for cookies and cakes; nor does it tell you to always make a “well” in the dry bowl to pour a wet bowl of contents into for making muffins. Any methodology included is generally quite brief. The “how to” details are left to the experience and any verbal instruction that you choose to add. However, these pages are helpful in that they provide relatively simple, single-sided recipes which can be cut out and pasted into a notebook/recipe book – the student therefore can make some notes about “how to” or add a photo of what he or she actually made.
One other feature is that the recipes are almost all “old-fashioned” by using very basic ingredients – to make things “from scratch” so-to-speak. You won’t find a recipe here that tells you to throw a commercial cake mix together. The book specifically avoids using ingredients which are heavily processed or with lots of additives most of the time and tries to stick to the simpler, homemade foods of our grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ era.