Titles include:
- Ice Wreck
- Children of the Storm: The Autobiography of Natasha Vins
- Who Am I? (Nature Friend puzzler-quiz-like book)
- The Journey that Saved Curious George
- The Iowa Story (about Laura Ingalls Wilder)
- The Hungry Year
- Thundering Waters
- Rain Tonight
- Tooga: The Story of a Polar Bear
- Blue Jeans: A Story About Levi Strauss
- The Wreck of the Ethie
- Henry Ford: Young Man with Ideas
- With Daring Faith
- Into Their Hands At Any Cost
- A Home at Last
- A Light Kindled
We reserve the right to substitute titles if necessary for ones of equal or greater value or refund you the difference.
Please also note that Canadian Readers for grades 5-8 are available separately if you want to practice reading with a traditional reader. We did not include any traditional reader with this bundle.
Ice Wreck Lucille Recht Penner – A hundred years ago, Ernest Shackleton and his crew set out for the South Pole. Their ship ran into dangerous ice-filled waters. Then the sea froze around them. Eight hundred miles from civilization; will they make it to safety? True story.
Children of the Storm (autobiography) Natasha Vins Natasha and her family have suffered much because of persecution in Ukraine. Father has spent many years in prison, and their home has been closely watched. Now Natasha stands at the crossroads. Can she give up her dreams of an interesting career to follow the way of the persecuted Christians? Interest level: ages 8+. Soft -cover – 136 pgs.
Who am I? Virginia Beachy & Tabitha Schmidt (Nature Friend Magazine) Hello! I am one hour old. Could you walk when you were my age? I can! I weigh 20 lbs and Mama says I should gain 45 lbs in the next 9 mo. I have 4 legs, a long neck, perky ears, and lots of white wool over my body…. Detailed, informative facts about mystery animals makes learning fun! Answers included. Soft-cover – 40 pgs.
The Journey that Saved Curious George Louise Borden Curious George is known and loved all over the world. But few people know the exciting history of his creators. In 1940, Hans and Margret Rey had to flee their Paris home as the German army advanced on the capital city. They began their harrowing journey on bicycles with their children’s book manuscripts among their few possessions. 80 pages, softcover.
The Iowa Story (about Laura Ingalls Wilder) William Anderson An account of the Ingalls family’s short time in Burr Oak, Iowa. Laura did not write about this period, but the time falls between the books On The Banks Of Plum Creek and By The Shores Of Silver Lake. Some of Rose Wilder’s letters are also included. Soft-cover – 50 pgs
The Hungry Year Connie Brummel CrookIn 1787, Kate with her father and brothers join other Loyalists in moving to Canada. Get engulfed in the story of survival as Kate is left to look after finding food her brothers during the hard winter. Well-written literature with good examples of foreshadowing, suspense, and irony. Story events from true accounts in the Eastern Ontario area.
Thundering Waters Arnot McIntee True stories (with some photos) of famous feats around Niagara Falls along with spiritual lessons by a Christian author from Southern Ontario. Expanded edition, 102 pgs.
Rain Tonight Steve Pitt Hurricane Hazel, in October 1954, was one of the most unpredictable hurricanes in recent history! This enthralling book details one family’s amazing true story… an unexpected flood, climbing onto the roof, and the rescue efforts. See photos from that time and read educational tidbits of hurricane facts and hurricanes in history. Soft-cover – 48 pgs.
Tooga: The Story of a Polar Bear Shirley Woods During a cold night in northern Labrador, Tooga is born. He and his sister Apoon have a lot to learn! One day Tooga is ready to hunt for himself, and he wanders away from his mother to the pack ice where seals gather. But then the pack ice breaks up! Tooga is stranded, heading on an ice flow towards civilization! 96 pgs.
Mr. Blue Jeans Maryann N. Weidt Levi Strauss, a young Jewish boy, came to America 1847. After peddling in New York, he went to work in San Francisco. After making a pair of canvas pants for a miner, Levi ordered more canvas, and was sent denim. Levi’s denim pants became popular. Soft-cover – 64 pgs.
Wreck of the Ethie Hilary Hyland Colleen and her family live on Newfoundland’s coast. One day a ship is grounded offshore in a terrible storm. Waves and rocks are breaking the ship apart, but the waters are impassable… can Colleen’s dog Skipper help? In 1919, the S.S. Ethie was shipwrecked off Martin’s Point, NFLD. Exciting story. 116 pgs.
Henry Ford: Young Man with Ideas (Childhood of Famous Americans) Hazel B. Aird – Henry’s first try at building a steam engine almost burns a fence down! When Henry took his “horseless carriage” on its first ride, some people cheered, others made fun. But soon many “horseless carriages” would be on the road.
With Daring Faith Rebecca Davis As a child, Amy is disappointed when God didn’t turn her brown eyes to blue. Her brown eyes help her in later years in her life’s work of rescuing children from pagan practices. Biography of Amy Carmichael, who helped save many children from serving in the pagan temples in India. Soft-cover – 188 pgs. (Very limited stock.)
Into Their Hands At Any Cost Harvey Yoder This book tells stories of people who smuggled Bibles into communist countries at the risk of imprisonment or even death. You will be amazed at the experiences that they went through and how God was their protector many times. They were often rewarded by the joy expressed of those who received this priceless gift. Soft-cover – 194 pgs.
A Home at Last Marilyn Friesen The true story of faith and providence of God as children are separated from family during war time in Russia in 1943. Well-written literature with good examples of foreshadowing, suspense, and irony. A book that is hard to put down and highly recommended for a literature study. 160 pgs.
A Light Kindled Tracy M. Leininger Priscilla Mullins was an 18-yr-old girl who came across on the Mayflower. She was one of the few women who survived the first winter, losing her father, mother & brother. Find how her faith in God kept her through these difficult times. Beautiful full-color illustrations in this story based on actual character. Hard-cover – 64 pgs