Lessons cover a variety of math topics in units so that the learning time is focused and concepts are clearly understood in a solid foundation for later math. Units can be rearranged as desired because you can print and bind this curriculum as unit booklets!
Large print, non-distracting graphics and hands-on opportunities with common and around-the-home manipulatives make this an enjoyable program for boys and girls. Parents and teachers can appreciate the ease of guided lessons which develop a child’s sense of math in the real world, creativity, and reasoning skills. Watch your child eagerly grab for these math lessons!
The Units for Grade 1 are:
• COUNT & GROUP (27 pages plus 12 calendar pages to fill in)
• OPERATIONS (71 pages)
• CANADIAN MONEY (15 pages)
• PATTERNING and LOGIC (16 pages)
• GRAPHING and SORTING (23 + pages)
• GEOMETRY (11 pages)
• MEASUREMENT (includes fractions & time) (14 + pages)
Please Note: This is a downloadable product and therefore, it comes with our end-user license agreement. The original purchaser can reproduce the pages for non-commercial single family use or non-commercial single classroom use with no expiry date. If you want a school-wide or system-wide license agreement, you need to contact us (the publishers) directly. Thank you for understanding!
Please note: Currently the consumable printed version for this curriculum is sold out and we are not producing more at this time. The e-book version is the version that is now available and has been made very convenient for you. You will need 8 1/2 x 11″ paper – in whatever light colours, cream or white that you would like to use, such as one colour perhaps per section. FOR MATH STICKS 1, there are a few sheets in a file labelled “cardstock” which should be printed on stiffer paper (or alternatively, printed on regular paper and then mounted for durability). The pages use black ink. (Any “colourfulness” within this program comes from using items for hands-on work and crayons.)
One more note: Like our other curriculum, there is no separate teacher’s manual. I felt that you simply did not need one so I didn’t make one. Any instructions are right with the student material, often put in a young child’s language.