Sometimes things sound like “science fiction”, perhaps reminding us of the vintage cartoon family “The Jetsons”. I remember watching shows of it during lunch hour at school and later given school assignments to write something “fictional” that “wasn’t yet” and “might never be”, such as a dining table that would track food eaten and reorder groceries.
Table of Contents
Devices Can Track Your Location and Share Data/Information
Depending on your settings, cell phones (and other wireless devices) can do this frequently, even when you are NOT using your phone and it is just “sitting there” on a counter or in a pocket.
My measuring of RF –
When a cell phone (or other wireless devices) transmits its data/information, it sends it through wireless RF microwaves, which means I can measure it with an RF meter (and so can anyone else with that kind of measuring tool). I use an acoustimeter but a Safe and Sound Pro II meter is a similar tool that is more available now and such is shown at this link. (None of the links on this page are affiliate links.)
- I have measured cell phones which are in pockets in a group where no one is actively using their phone but such a phone is still “on”. Many emit a signal at regular intervals, for example, every 10 seconds or every 30 seconds, a little burst of RF. (This is why we request that people either turn their phones fully off or not bring them. Or if they are using an app such as a Bible app, to put their settings to “Airplane Mode” and “Bluetooth disabled”.)
- Some people have been unaware that their phone is doing anything if they are not actively using it. But if it’s “ON”, it’s still regularly emitting a RF signal (which are wavelengths within the frequency band of microwave radiation).
- These invisible wavelengths of electromagnetic energy radiate out from the device itself (thus the term “radiation”) – that means any direction “around” as well as “up” and “down”. If someone is in a basement with a wireless phone and I’m on a main floor, I can measure the signal through the floor because the radiation also travels upward (as well as in the other directions).
- As phones changed in their features, something else was interesting to notice. I can now even measure phones which are in pockets (i.e. not being ‘used’), supposedly with Airplane Mode “on” and Bluetooth disabled, but which emit RF signals when the person changes positions, such as from sitting to standing, standing to sitting, or walking even just a step or so. I believe this is because those phones are trying to connect with GPS satellites or similar location connections because it senses the phone moving slightly in altitude or longitude/latitude. The phone is “changing location” even if it is only a foot or a metre different than where it was. After all, the GPS has slightly changed so the phone that remains connected to GPS has to re-adjust and send out an RF signal to say the phone is now in a slightly different spot than it was a few seconds ago.
- If you have chosen to keep location data “on” (I believe it is “on” by default), please consider minimizing the RF (for your sake and the people around you, including children) and the amount of frequent data-sending by not only putting the phone in airplane mode/Bluetooth disabled settings (in the “Settings tab”, not just the shortcut screen which doesn’t always shut things off – see this post for what I wrote about that), but also putting your phone in one stable place and not moving it around. In other words, put it on a floor or pew or counter instead of inside your pocket or a bag that moves more frequently.
- Now, the RF does not jump up on my meter if it is measuring a phone that does not have location data “on” but is itself “on” while in the settings of in Airplane Mode “on”/Bluetooth disabled. From my little bit of limited testing, the “location data” settings seem to have a significant influence on the amount of RF radiation emitted. So if you’re not needing “location” help, it’s actually better for you and everyone else to try minimizing that feature until you’re looking up the location of something using a phone.
- Technologies for wireless devices tend to be sneaky – they get features added to them without clearly notifying what all these features are doing without most people being aware. It’s wise to exercise at least some caution on “new” tech.
Other evidence shown of tracking abilities –
Tucker Carlson on Fox News reported on the tracking of two cell phones:
- One that has no SIM card, “isn’t used” but is still “on”, just being in the pocket.
- One that has no SIM card, “isn’t used” but is still “on” in the pocket BUT with the airplane mode enabled.
- The reporter with the phones travelled around the city and then looked at what data the phones kept about his whereabouts. Both had a precise record of where he had been and for how long (and then promptly shared that information with Google when it was connected again to Wi-Fi). This is because, cell phones are made now with tiny measuring tools inside of them which measure time and ‘position in space’ information, records that, and compiles that information inside the phone to send out.
- Here is the link to see the short video of this news story.
The Nightly Business Report reported on the possibility of tracking of cell phones even when GPS tracking is “turned off”. This was due to a study from researchers at Northeastern University. Here is the link to see the short video of this news story.
NBC News reported on where you can see at least some of the location data that is being recorded and shared. (The moms they talked to were surprised.) Then they showed how to turn off the location data as much as possible, on both kinds of phones (Android and Apple). Here is the link to see the short video of this news story.
CBC News (Canada) also reported similar facts that phones track even sometimes if settings say otherwise, at this link.
Written by a “specialist in security, privacy, and encryption”, this article was more detailed for answering various questions related to tracking and cell phone settings, why, how much (at least to what they’re aware of), and how to limit the tracking better. Here is the link to “How your mobile phone tracks you…“.
And one more article I’ll link to. It’s by the McAfee company at this link: “Can my phone be tracked if location services are turned off?
(A reminder: None of the links on this page are affiliate links. We do not recommend any phone apps or services. They are links for informational/educational purposes only.)
The easiest way to minimize being tracked wherever you go is to simply not bring along your tracker. If you don’t expect to use it, why bring it? And if you might use it, why not keep it off fully until you do?
I believe there can be a good use of tracking, such as in “Search and Rescue” work, for example, after destructive hurricanes, landslides, or other disasters. Drones can be a helpful tool.
But just like x-rays can also be a helpful tool for clearer diagnoses, x-rays do not get to be in the hands of the general public wherever they want to use them. They are limited to workers who use them for a good purpose.
I personally think that tracking technologies, should be more limited than what they are. Used occasionally for a need, OK. But “on” for most of life’s personal activities – when people have a choice to be tracked or not – it seems that people are becoming less concerned than they should be in my opinion.

– Smart Watches
With the acoustimeter, I have measured a smartwatch that was supposedly “not connected” to the person’s phone but still was sending out an RF signal to try to connect with it. (That puzzled both the watch’s owner and myself because she had done all she could with her settings.)
- To my knowledge from reading and the wee bit I have tested, the popular Fitbits cannot be turned fully “off” but rather they always still emit a small signal. It is a functionality that some people (e.g. those in military jobs who cannot have Bluetooth emissions in their workplace) have asked the company to give an option for, but I have not yet seen it as an option. (When I know otherwise, I’ll try to update this point.)
- With wearables, there has been, of course, NO long-term testing done as to how much a constant RF impact on a wrist will have on a person’s health. My guess is that it is not as much of a healthy thing to do for the general population, even if it saves money on insurance costs in the short-term if one sends heart rates and exercise data to a company. (That’s how it was initially marketed to me.)
– Implanted or Temporary “Chips”
A number of years ago, I watched someone just ahead of me pay the grocery store for food using a swipe of his hand, similar to what is shown in this European (Daily Mail Co., UK) news article for paying for a train ride.
“Chips” are sometimes implanted into pets or other animals to “tag” them electronically. Here is an article from that same news site about cows getting recorded for tracking purposes using readable chips.
Some people desire those sorts of implants for convenience as well. (For example, FoxNews mentions it.)
(Note: For some individuals, their reason for getting a device attached or implanted in them isn’t for “convenience”. I do recognize that there could be more medical benefit than risk associated with these, even though it is introducing something unnatural inside the body. There are other unnatural things that people add into their bodies to help them such as tooth fillings, ankle plates and screws, knee replacements, etc.. I am certainly very cautious about the extent that some technologies are widely-used nowadays but I’m not “anti-tech”. ‘Natural living’ can be an excellent choice for many things but, remember that not everything “natural” helps us either. I think we should recognize both sides of these life choices in order to not be extreme in either direction.)
- The word “chip”… There are various kinds of tiny things used, depending on the purpose, for example…
- Some implants are like what we think of when we hear that someone has a hearing aid but tinier versions (nano-sized) and stuck inside the body further.
- Health care testing sometimes offers a swallowable camera with a temporary tracking device, called “capsule endoscopy”. It can take thousands of photos and send them wirelessly through the body to a recording device that a person wears.
- Some computerized “chips” have the functionality of emitting RF signals. From my understanding, these kind have a tiny antenna so that they can do that, such as a chip that is swallowed like a vitamin or stuck onto skin or implanted just under it.
- But other implants are just “sitting silently inside there” so that the digital information on it can be “read” by an electronic reader device when that info is getting accessed. For example, you can think of a credit card – It has digital identification in its components that gets “read” electronically when tapped on or into a machine. But the card isn’t emitting RF by itself just sitting there. Some types of implants can work in a similar way and not emit anything. So, does a chip record anything or track anything more than then initial information put into the chip? Some kinds would but other kinds wouldn’t.
- In other words, what the “chip” or digital “tag” (or whatever it gets called) does for ‘how it works’ depends on the actual type of tiny thing that is implanted. So if you just hear the word “micro” or “nano” – those words just mean a category of size (how tiny the thing is). And “chip” can mean it is not emitting RF or it could mean that it is emitting RF, depending on how it was made to function. You can’t just go by the general words that are used to determine its benefits or risks.
– Electronic Tattoos
A similar idea is a flexible sticker that clings to the surface of skin, rather than inside the body.
What Is an Electronic Tattoo? | Built In (easy-to-read article about what it is)
Electronic Tattoo – Science of Innovation (National Science Foundation) – short video briefly explaining the invention
Because this technology is being used for buying things or tracking things, some people have been worried that chips (or similar technologies) are a “mark of the beast”. People who are worried about chips being this kind of mark should read the Bible to find out what the Bible actually says about that mark in context of that passage. Here are two webpages addressing that concern from a Christian perspective for Christians comment #1 link and comment #2 link (expanded at this link#3). Personally, I don’t expect to be living on earth either when that “mark” comes.
Are things using EMF technologies really a healthy idea to implant or be continuously able to impact a body in some way due to its close proximity? Even some wild animals that get tracked can suffer negative health effects from electronic tagging and you can learn more about this these links:
- Radio-Tracking Impact on Wildlife: Systems Emit Pulsed Waves Affecting Animal Health and Orientation (ehtrust.org) (from Dec. 2023)
- Health Risks in Radio Tracking Wildlife (ehtrust.org) (from March 2024)

Trying to “Keep Up-to-Date” (but getting overwhelmed)?
The pace of inventions is too fast for any of us to keep up with. I know I can’t keep up with it.
I think we need to watch that we don’t become distracted away from more important things for us personally to know about. There have been some very different things invented and there will be more to come yet. Just knowing briefly about a few examples I think is “good-enough” for most of us (unless one has a career involved in the area and needs to learn more detailed info).
A pastor’s wife at a ladies’ retreat I attended years ago told us of a time when she, as a young mom, thought she “needed to know the world news” regularly in order to pray better. She became quite overwhelmed hearing about the evil, the wars, the famines, etc. as she tried to keep up with the news on T.V..
But then she realized, it simply was not her role to “know everything” or take on burdens which God never intended for her to carry. She needed to let God be God – He’s the One who needs to knows everything (Proverbs 15:3) but people, including her and the rest of us, simply do not need to know everything.
With the communication abilities we have these days, we can hear about news that ordinarily we would never hear of because we haven’t been put “there” to live. So she asked herself, “Unless God’s placed an specific interest in that area for me to know about, does HE expect me to learn about it to pray for it? He has other people He can lead to know about it instead, for praying about it or helping with those needs.” And then she decided not to watch the news as often but instead to focus her time, prayers, and care for people in the areas that God had specifically placed her to be in (cf. Acts 17:26-27).
We don’t need to ‘know everything’ reported in the news – that isn’t our role. And for sure, we don’t need to be enamored with the ideas invented for the purpose of trying to solve world problems that only God can look after. The Bible teaches us what to turn our attention away from – but we have to get into reading the Bible and knowing God, in order to learn about that.
Our world is a place where there is much darkness of sin, including in some inventions. But God has also provided light for our lives – the light of His Son (John 1:9, 12, 8:12, 2 Cor. 4:6, Psalm 27:1) and the light of His Word, the Bible (2 Peter 1:19, Psalm 119:105, 130). If we put our attention in the right place, our perspective about the world won’t be so overwhelming.
“Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.”
Psalm 37:7

Addressing Fears
Fears…of losing freedoms and privacy, of losing longevity, of facing injustices, leads people into living in fear of not being able to control “anything” avoiding people because people might wound them, or self-sufficiency behaviour to the extreme (isolationism, defensiveness). The person can forget that he/she still has choices for their own attitudes and thoughts.
We don’t want to become COMPLACENT, ignoring things which are leading us the wrong direction.
“…prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.” 1 Peter 1:13-15 (NIV’84)
And we don’t want to CARRY WORRIES that cause us to live in fear.
“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV’84).
“Seek the LORD and His Strength… Always.”
(Quoted from Psalm 105:4)
We should want to know the truth and test all things rather an accepting every idea (Psalm 119:105, Acts 17:10-11).
Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of [things hurtful in influence – often translated as the word “evil” but I have given its Greek meaning].
1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
The Bible has answers, and its very practical too. But unless we are reading the Word and letting God’s Spirit use it to teach us, not just keen to listen to an appealing speaker or author or get into a self-help book or program, we will simply miss out on the comfort and direction that He has already provided for us in there.
If we are seeking the LORD’s strength, our lives can look like the apostle Paul and his team in what they received from the LORD:
“But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed…”
2 Corinthians 4:7-9 ESV

Honest Expectations
This earthly life WILL have trouble – we need to expect that it will be part of our lives here. And think of what Jesus did, when He faced sinful people… He still talked with them. He still carried on with His message despite opposition and hatred. While He suffered grief and loss, He was not fearful but rather entrusted Himself to the Heavenly Father’s will.
Yes, He was perfect and we’re not. But God wants to work in our lives to transform us, step by step, to be more like Christ (2 Cor. 3:18, James 1:4) and we should let God do that in us.
The world is to get like “the days of Noah” (Genesis 6:5, Luke 17:26). “Last days” means anything from the time of Christ’s first coming up to when Christ returns (Heb. 1:2); but obviously, the more time that goes on, the closer it gets to the time when Jesus will come again.
Here are some more verses with characteristics of what the world is to get like before His return (doubters, rejecters, deceived and deceivers, boastful, hateful, etc.): Matthews 24:4, 1 Timothy 4:1-3, 2 Timothy 3:1-7, 12-13; 4:3-4; 2 Peter 2:1-3, 2 Peter 3:3-4, Luke 21:34.
They, you, and I are sinners. Until we come to God, we will be seeking our own will and go astray into more sin (Isaiah 53:6, 2 Cor. 5:17). We cannot expect people to act with godly attitudes and choices unless God’s power resides in them and they have surrendered their will to love Him instead of their own ideas being crowned in their lives (Romans 8:5-11).
When we get worried about how wickedness is worsening and people are finding prosperity in bad choices, a good Psalm to read is Psalm 73 so that we remind ourselves of the bigger picture, the right perspective for those who trust in the Lord God.
Two of the verses simply state – “Nevertheless I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand. You will guide me with Your counsel, And afterward receive me to glory.”
Psalm 73:23-24
Regardless of what is happening around us in our culture, we can have the comfort and peace of knowing that God is continually with us – even if technology is continually with us as well.
God is still greater in power, greater in knowledge, greater in loving care to us than any of the things or ideas in this world.

Using good sense –
It’s very wise to take the time to evaluate what you have currently as your situation and go through your settings to reduce whatever you can on devices such as phones for the reasons…
…..of the RF emitted when there is “more stuff working”
…..of having less time spent on a device instead of real life
…..and also to maintain a measure of privacy for things which simply do not need to be shared with people who do not personally know you. You don’t have to help them ‘steal’ information that really shouldn’t belong to them.
So, take time to go through your settings, try to limit tracking where you can.
Curb your habits of being as attached to your phone by turning it “off” when not in use and not taking it everywhere. Treat a device like a tool that you control, not a part of your life like a friend or family member that you’d feel so lost without. See also our tips in the post entitled, “How Can I Use a Mobile (Cell) Phone Better?”
Recheck from time to time too to double-check the value of your settings, including which apps you keep, and habits of use.
As more “smart” items get added into regular society, there are more items which will track (because that is what their features are – to keep track of groceries in a refrigerator for example). You’ve likely heard the comment about not worrying too much about things which collect personal information because your vacuum cleaner has been collecting dirt on your space for years. One difference of course is that you’re still in charge of where that collection goes. But the point of not getting overwhelmingly worried about what others might know is good.

Worrisome Fears
Sometimes people can be more worried about evil people tracking them than they are about being aware that the all-powerful God knows all their thoughts and watches all their steps (Psalm 33:13-15).
Instead of fearing untrue conspiracies or even real situations which threaten – regardless of what it is – for sure, we are to turn to the Lord. Here are a few Bible passages for us to remember:
- Isaiah 8:11-22 (not to turn to fear, and not to try getting comfort from divination)
- 1 Peter 3:14-18 (not to fear or be troubled but rather be ready to speak of the hope that Jesus brings, cf. Matthew 10:26-31)
- 1 Peter 4:2-10 (don’t quit doing what is right and good; still be found serving the Lord)
- 1 Peter 4:16 (to glorify God despite our suffering)
Some fears help us make good decisions but we also know that fear of unfearful things hinders our well-being.
We might be able to think of a person who cautiously chooses everything he/she eats or does, acting scared of the “what ifs” – someone who has a reputation of living in fear. One difference between having reasonable fear (serious concern and acting with wisdom) versus having a fear that isn’t good is how much it gets paid attention to in our lives.
I looked up 1 Peter 3:6. Using the example of Sarah (wife of Abraham) the statement is given that we women can be like Sarah “if” we do good things and “if” we do not revere alarm or terror or as some translations put it, “give way to fear”. In other words, it’s not that we won’t ever be scared of something, say a hungry bear around our garbage bin.
But rather, fears about alarming things just shouldn’t grip us too deeply.
Instead, we can take our burdens to the Lord, let Him carry those, and lead us in the right response to our situation(s).
“…casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:7 ESV

King Solomon
We’ve always should feel accountable for what we say and do, regardless of who gets to know about it.
While the fact that some devices can record parts of our lives that we’d really prefer they not record and share remains concerning, King Solomon had this insight a few thousand years ago –
“Do not curse the king, even in your thought; Do not curse the rich, even in your bedroom; For a bird of the air may carry your voice, And a bird in flight may tell the matter.“
Ecclesiastes 10:20
Maybe he was thinking about what parrots can repeat, I don’t know. He did get some apes and monkeys shipped to him and liked to write down science observations (1 Kings 4:29-34, 10:22).
But he knew that he was accountable for his words and actions, beyond just his public office. He knew he was also accountable to God Who knew all of his thoughts and motivations (Psalm 44:21). And he was also smart enough to realize that sinful thoughts in his heart, if he didn’t bring them to the Lord to help him, would come out in his life and be noticed by others around him (Luke 6:45).
Solomon wrote repeatedly about “fearing God” – to be so aware that God is indeed noticing us that we want to watch that our time and strength is spent honouring Him, rather than ignoring His presence. His presence, when noticed brings much comfort when we’re honouring Him, but much disappointment when we honour our own thoughts above His.
“In the fear of the LORD there is strong confidence, And His children will have a place of refuge. The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, To turn one away from the snares of death.”
Proverbs 14:26-27
“For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth [e.g. His Word] come knowledge and understanding; He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity, guarding the paths of justice and watching over the way of His saints. Then you will understand righteousness and justice and equity, every good path; for wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul; discretion will watch over you, understanding will guard you, delivering you from the way of evil….”
Proverbs 2:4-12a ESV
“Can machines know my thoughts?”
They can guess, based on emotional signals but no, a machine cannot read your thoughts.
God does though:
- “…then hear in heaven Your dwelling place, and forgive, and act, and give to everyone according to all his ways, whose heart You know (for You alone know the hearts of all the sons of men)” 1 Kings 8:39
- “As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts…“ 1 Chronicles 28:9a

In Summary (and two songs) –
God knows all about each issue we hear about or face, He’s able to look after anything that concerns us, and He cares. Those who trust in Him find rest in His comfort despite dangers.
- “As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.” Psalm 18:30
- “….who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation….” 1 Peter 1:5
- …To those who are called, sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, mercy, peace, and love…” Jude 1:1
- “that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:5
- “Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.” Ephesians 6:16
- “...He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4b
“A Psalm of David. “The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1.
This verse and a few more from that chapter are put to music that can be heard at this link: “The Lord is My Light”. Similar to the boy who accompanies the singer, I remember playing the piano for my dad’s friend to sing this same piece, although I was a bit older (in my teens). David faced fears related to King Saul tracking him and wrote about these in comparison to the greatness of God who looked after him.
Audio song (below) – “My Heav’nly Father Watches Over Me”, a hymn sung by a couple of children in my family:

“Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU.” So we may boldly say: “THE LORD IS MY HELPER; I WILL NOT FEAR. WHAT CAN MAN DO TO ME?” Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace…”
Hebrews 13:5-9a

(Verses quoted on this page are from the NKJV unless otherwise noted. Sometimes on my website I use NIV’84, ESV, NASB, or NLT if the words or phrased used for those translations look more clear to show the same meaning.)