And if you have missed Part 1, which explains “the bucket”, please first go here.
For further reading, please see this post “Start Here”, which lists the various blogs on our website about this topic.
This page is about a few “solutions” that you might hear of for EMF sensitivity.
Since a few folks have asked me about these questions, I thought I’d do a blog about it.
Table of Contents
Can you take something for it?
Like vitamins or medication or some sort of internal “fix”?
Some people ask, what about taking super-vitamins or medication of some sort?
Well, this isn’t a vitamin-deficiency issue. People recover very noticeably when they are simply removed from a triggering environment, not when they swallow something.
Vitamin supplements are not a cure, although good intake of vitamins does help to support any recovering body.
- One other thing to remember is that supplements are typically absorbed differently or used less than vitamins found in real food and sometimes supplements lead to worse problems of toxicity.)
- I’ve seen at least one bottle of a fancy-named concoction marketed to EMF sensitive people to help them recover. I thought I’d read the ingredients… All it was, was essentially a general multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplement with a sprinkle of green tea or similar added. But it was marketed was as if someone had discovered a new cure!
- EMF sensitive people can recover quite nicely without a special vitamin or concoction so some of us are just not intrigued with the latest marketing of a product purported to cure every ill.
I might take fish oil and eat antioxidants. But taking that in doesn’t protect me from radiation injury any more than swallowing those things protects me from breaking my arm if I jumped out of a tree.
The main issue is that there is damage caused by an injury from the environment, not a “lack of” something in your body.
Your body wasn’t designed to be hit with this stuff. (Some people call it e-pollution for a good reason.)
Nutritional Support for General Health
So this is what I typically do:
Regularly try to eat healthy – a variety of good, nutritious food. It doesn’t prevent EMF sensitivity but it is simply sensible to try to be supportive in taking good care of one’s body.
- For many years, my diet is most often homemade stuff. I grew up on the corner of my grandparents’ little farm/homestead and our families had large gardens. I used to help one of my grandmas make bread (including in a wood cookstove).
- I do like to eat freshwater fish but given the expense of it, we eat it only occasionally and I instead take a high quality fish oil (or sea buckthorn) supplement or flaxseed (ground-up) for oils. I also include things such as pro-biotic yogurts, organic collagen (bone) powder, home-grown garden vegetables, eggs from backyard chickens, spices and herbs, lemon water (not daily or even weekly – just occasionally*), ACV, etc. within my diet. And all four food groups are important!
- *Lemon water supports liver function but too much can cause photosensitivity to natural sunlight, which of course, isn’t something someone with EMF sensitivities wants to add.
- Given that I enjoy plain good whole foods and feel they are more beneficial in general, I get my vitamins through food instead of a pill or drink. My teeth still work fine to crunch, munch, and slurp and the rest of me is generally in good shape too! 🙂
Could there be a “protection pill” invented?
It’s been mentioned to me that “hopefully someone will figure out a medication that can shield/protect my body when I go out or to allow me to carry on with using technology like “everyone else”… sort of like the idea of taking an enzyme-based pill and then having ice cream if you are lactose-intolerant.
The problems with that idea are two-fold.
First, there just isn’t anything to “take” internally to protect your cells from outside forces like that and I’d be just as cautious on anything that is marketed to be that – just like you would be if I told you that there was a new pill to swallow that would prevent you from ever breaking a leg playing hockey.
Secondly, the idea goes back to thinking that the problem is primarily with a dysfunction of the human body, not a problem with the environment.
Humans were designed to digest milk products so when they can’t naturally do that, sometimes they can manage with swallowing a substitute enzyme. (But an environmental injury is different.)
Example: A doctor, hearing about my case history, offered me a “solution” – to take a certain salt mixture to help me in case I happen to encounter chemicals in public spaces. Rather than quitting my shopping and leaving a store to recover from a reaction for example, he said that by taking this formula, I could simply STAY in the triggering environment and get my shopping done!
“And where is the wisdom in that?” I simply asked him. He had no real answer.
Another doctor whom I knew understood chemical sensitivities with common-sense, was absolutely appalled that anyone with such science qualifications would mention such a “snake oil” (his words, not mine) and tell a patient that it would be OK to stay in a place they are reacting in. The body is letting the person know that something is harming it and the most natural and wise action is to remove oneself from that environment. Go shop at a different store or come back at a different time (or get it delivered) to get a shopping list done. Staying only adds to the overall weakening of the body, even if one could feel happier temporarily.
Certainly in my case, I’d only worsen if staying unless God intervened. Mine is a known-sensitivity to specific kinds of chemicals, found out through a test where a sample of muscle tissue was removed and put into chemical baths to see if it reacted more than average people (Note: This is very different than the ‘muscle testing’ in applied kinesiology, which I don’t recommend.) Years ago, I was one of the last Canadians to have the test for the reason of environmental chemical sensitivities; my specialist retired the same day of surgery and is no longer living. The team(s) that followed her, in time, disregarded her research about environmental chemicals for the most part because their main focus studies was in a different direction.
Herbal cleanses, clay baths, etc. to help ‘clean up’?
“OK, but what about something to take which helps a body to get rid of the cells that were destroyed (i.e. toxins) and to build new cells – something that would support a stronger recovery from an overload of cell damage?”
Yes, I do think that certain kinds of that type of thing CAN be a supportive measure to come alongside what the body is already trying to do.
But it doesn’t seem to make sense to just do that “supportive measure” and then remain in the same environment that is injuring the body.
In other words, things like herbal cleanses and clay baths might help in the process of a body trying to recover from environmental injury but they aren’t a “cure” or something that can prevent injury from taking place.
The environment is still the cause of the issue. And until the environment improves enough, the body will continue to be injured over and over.
These sorts of things are only “supportive”, like good nutrition; in that sense, they could potentially be beneficial to someone who is environmentally-sensitive. (Note: Proper skin care though is not to wash too often or too much. See my post on “Skin” linked here when it gets posted.)
Initial Recovery Hours After Exposures
When recovering from strong exposures to EMF, I recognize that my body’s cells have been damaged, including ones in my intestine which help to absorb nutrients.
- So in the initial recovery hours after strong levels of RF exposures, I’m often nibbling on probiotic yogurt, blueberries, maybe something like orange cantaloupe, cranberry juice, or similar colourful one-ingredient-type foods. I also aim for a reasonable level of antioxidants in foods or teas. (My anti-oxidant tea includes bilberries (leaves and fruit), elderberries, orange peel, raspberry leaves.)
- I do this in order to give my body what it is needing at those moments to repair the damage caused by the burning radiation. (Milk also helps to build cells.)
- I tend not to eat heavier meals to digest during that time.
- If I am in pain (e.g. muscle, including head muscle pain/headache), sometimes eating frozen red cherries helps to decrease that pain without my body having to deal with an additional unnatural substance of a typical pain-reliever. These cherries come in white pails in grocery stores mid-July and we freeze them in littler bags. I might eat about 12-20 cherries at a time. Our family has used this idea for pain relief of various causes for many years and it works for us.
- A cold pack from the freezer might help or a warm shower. I can no longer just chuck a hot pack into a microwave but I learned about putting a homemade hot pack made of seeds/grains on a glass pie plate into the stove oven for 200F for about 20 minutes.
- If I’m really sick with the radiation exposure, my hubby misses work to care for me while the reaction peaks and then begins to subside.
- I might have to take the rest of the day or so ‘easy’ with resting more and not doing as much around electrical appliances (in order to recover faster in comparison).
- These are the days when I might be simply watching my children play in the yard while I sit, snack, and rest in a lawn chair. Or I might have a bit of energy to weed in a garden.
- I might be instead able to work in an outdoor building or do yard work or set up a table/chair to get desk work done. (Sunshine is fine as long as it’s comfortable weather.)
Being outdoors (yet away from hydro wires) provides a space that not only is doable and something pleasant, but it also help my body to repair without as much bombardment from other forms of manmade EMF.
Sunshine is fine as long as it’s comfortable weather (or under shelter for rain/snow/wind). We are very blessed with fresh air where we live. If I was back living in the city, I’m not sure that going outside where the chemical smells are or smog would be as beneficial though.
Can you put something on the outside to protect you?
What about stickers or jewellery to “neutralize” or “harmonize”?
The official advice from research scientists on EMF in Europe is to look at those with “great restraint” (e.g. EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016 for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of EMF – that link and others are on my brochure).
Many of these thingys are placebo and although one type of harmonizer/neutralizer that I know of that goes on cell phones, lowers RF a bit for under the device (according to my acoustimeter) or it re-directs it perhaps, but the levels still remain dangerous (from a “high red” to a “medium red”, not even reducing down into the precautionary yellow zone).
I think of a smoke-filled room. Does an air freshener or “neutralizer help you not breathe the smoke in or does it just hide the danger?
What about stove burners – is it better to touch a high red or a medium red coil?
We’d all say neither – wait until it is off.
Same idea – just lowering something a wee little bit but allowing it to still be in high levels, just isn’t worth the false security that masks the ongoing damage.
I don’t wear a lot of jewellery of any kind – I still have small kiddos who would yank at things anyways. However, I don’t need jewellery to help me “feel better” – I can truly feel better without it and definitely can relieve my symptoms without wearing such so my situation isn’t dependent on some sort jewellery but rather, it depends on the type of environment I’m in. So no, I’m not into magnetic bracelets – these go in the category of harmonizers and neutralizers in my opinion.
Additionally to the idea that many “protective gadgets” are rather scammy gimmicks, there are two other reasons to avoid these. One is that some of them were made with radioactive materials (thus can actually be physically harmful). The other is that some can “work” as magical charms, in a spiritual healing sense, which is, from a Christian perspective, spiritually dangerous. I write about harmonizers and neutralizers, including about “science”, at another post (linked here hopefully shortly when it gets posted).
What about “Energy Healing”?
This is the kind that sounds “mysterious” and “powerful”, offered by a number of practitioners. Is this a good healing to receive?
As a Christian who believes what God the Creator of all things tells us in the Bible, there is a passage that helps to answer this question:
“Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”
James 1:13-17
I must be careful not to allow my “desire to feel well” sidetrack me into something that would deceive me into further sin.
Every good gift is from the God I serve. But if He isn’t supportive of something, I should reject it.
If you want to know more about my Christian perspective on the so-called “energy healing”, you can go to the post called, “‘Energy Healing’ and the Christian” or other ones which mention this and will be linked on the page called “Short Information about EMF Sensitivities and Problems”.
Shielded Clothing and Skin/Eye Care –
When I go out in public where there are cell phones or Wi-fi, I DO often now wear some shielded clothing items.
- These generally reduce symptoms (less burned/peeling skin and eyes, etc.). The specialty fabrics contain metals which reflect some of the signals away, similar to a “Faraday” cage. However, these fabrics only reflect some, not all, therefore we think of this as a “reduction” not an “elimination” of. And some fabrics work better than others.
- You can see my brochure links for where I have purchased fabric or ready-made items. I tend to try to sew my own since this is less expensive and I have greater option of what to make that way.
- Shielded fabrics are conductive which means, you don’t want to touch things with magnetic fields or electricity when you’re wearing it. (The notices which come with the fabrics warn about its conductivity.) One of the things I learned (by experience) is that using a headnet with copper in it can make travelling near and under high voltage power lines less comfortable (my mouth or scalp would twitch briefly).
- Another thing to watch for is if the shielded clothing ends up reflecting the signals to an unshielded area of skin. Or if, in a situation, there is a section of sensitive skin that is not shielded in an environment of cell phones. Again, I’ve experienced both.
- Using shielded clothing is not a perfect solution but it does give some help in most RF situations in my opinion.
Remedies –
- The eye drops that I use (e.g. after Wi-fi exposures when my eyes still have burned to a certain extent) have no preservatives (so it is less likely to cause an allergic reaction). I get mine through my optometrist since it isn’t available in stores. If I have no RF-exposures, I do not need the eye drops. Again, another proof that it isn’t my body that is mal-functioning – it’s an injury from the environment to my body instead.
- It really ends up being a common sense type of approach to management.
- What might you put on skin that has been sunburned to soothe it as it heals? Aloe vera? That’s what I use when mine sizzles under the manmade frequencies.
- Olive oil or coconut oil is also sometimes helpful to me afterwards too. The skin turns itchy as it peels and heals.
- But oil-based things are NOT good to use if going out into strong wireless radiation and burning already.
- Something with sea buckthorn in it might also help the skin (before and after). Some astronauts have apparently experimented with sea buckthorn to help protect from stronger cosmic radiation. Some cancer patients have also used sea buckthorn to help reduce side effects from radiation treatments.
And, I wait things through as my body heals and recovers. It isn’t an easy thing to be patient, especially when I have plans on stuff I’d like to do instead of resting. But it does provide more time for prayer and thinking and listening to the kids.
Reducing Exposures
The Phone(s)
If we have a cell phone on, ideally it is not positioned close to the body. Using it on “speaker” mode is better. We would use it like a phone for emergencies (such as vehicle problems on the side of a road). To learn about how to use a cell phone better, you can see my post here about that.
We keep our curious minds settled to search an internet until we’re back home on a fully wired computer system so we don’t need a data plan with apps. I almost never use a cell phone anymore. I skip the convenience and life isn’t that bad without texting. It really isn’t.
We have had a landline telephone system (the kind that is attached with a wire into a wall) for many years. While the way landlines are changing to work is concerning, there are ways to still use a landline system and avoid the RF radiation. I have another post about “What Can We Do for a Landline Phone?” (linked when it gets posted).
The camera? We tend to use a real camera to take photos and videos and it has no connectivity to anything wireless. That means our pictures on it aren’t stored “on a cloud”. (But a camera feature on a phone can also work in airplane mode.)
Other Electromagnetic Exposures
Obviously, I greatly reduce my time spent in areas of RF signals! We have no Wi-fi or Bluetooth signals going through our house and I have limited time in those areas of the community where there are some signals. (After we moved, we also have no smart meters.)
I also reduce my time spent using electrical things and electronic things, especially right after exposures to high levels of RF.
Here are some examples:
- Other people in my family can whip up the egg whites or iron the clothes, etc. — I share the tasks that use electricity with others who are capable so that I can recover faster.
- I spend less time on a computer, even though it is wired, not wireless. I sit away from the CPU and power bar. I have a special covering for any screen I use.
- I don’t wash the dishes in the sink if the dishwasher is running right next to it.
- My hair dries naturally, not with a blow dryer.
- The wires of my sewing machine are arranged to be further away from me.
- We reduce the number of things “running” in a room and unplug when things are not in use.
- When a non-electrical option or a lower-electrical option is available, I am more likely to choose that option now.
- I spend more time outdoors.
All these sorts of choices help me to empty my bucket faster of all forms of EMF. While certainly inconvenient and naturally frustrating at times, it is also kind of a creative challenge in a sense. I’m thankful for having a background in homesteading skills because I think some of those ideas help us in our lifestyle adjustments.
Everyone should already be trying to be supportively caring for one’s body (nutrition, sleep, exercise, etc.).
The most-effective change that anyone can make for managing environmental sensitivities, including emf sensitivities, is to make choices to reduce their burden of all kinds of pollutants, including emf.
To read about this (if you haven’t already done so) please see Management of the Bucket Part 1.